The welfare of each is bound up in the welfare of all.” – Helen Keller This month, ‘Friends of Kulasekharam’, a renowned charity club in Kulasekharam, celebrated a remarkable milestone of their 12th anniversary. In union with this auspicious occasion, they...
A new chapter begins for LezDo TechMed! Did you hear the buzz? LezDo TechMed, one of the trusted medical record reviews partners in the U.S, has opened the doors to a shiny new office in Salem on October 2, 2023! The transition from our old office space, this new...
Kulasekharam, a bustling Town Panchayat in Tamil Nadu, is grappling with a lack of awareness regarding the detrimental effects of burning plastics and the crucial importance of implementing effective waste management systems. Recognizing the pressing need for change,...
It is with profound enthusiasm and honour that we announce our recent collaboration with the Kuppaiyilla Kumari movement a key partner in our ongoing Voluntary Community Service (VCS) initiative. At the heart of our mission lies the commitment to instigate lasting,...
LezDo TechMed and AD Vantage Integrated Marketing proudly announce their sponsorship of Mindkraft 2023, an intercollegiate tech event organized by Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences in Coimbatore. The event will take place on the 24th and 25th of March 2023,...